The Nyonga Shelter Impact
WORI has been leading advocacy programs and awareness trainings on GBV for over 10 years. In the last year GBV prevention and response activities have directly reached over 645 individuals. In addition, through social media and radio broadcasting, WORI has reached 2-3million individuals on the regional and national levels. That work allows attitude change in the mentality and the culture. However, GBV still occur and we need to provide a safe space for the victims of these violence.
Post traumatic stress
Stress disorders trying to cope with abusers' actions
Emotional needs not being met
Risk of safety
Illness as a result of violence or stress
Higher risk of STD's
Sexual dysfunction after assault
Abortion and miscarriages
Lack of social interaction
Loss of self esteem
Effects and Repercussions
Having experienced GBV makes it more likely for the victim to be more stressed and act differently around friends and family. Depending on the age of the survivor they may not succeed at school or be forced to drop out. Survivors are likely to be socially excluded and could increase their chance of addictive habits. As for children, they are more likely to commit suicide and have reduced coping mechanisms with trauma.
With reference to:
1,186 defilement cases reported every month, 40 cases reported daily, up from 1,140 cases reported every month and 38 cases reported daily in 2019.
The number of GBV cases increased consistently from 79,888 in 2018 to 82,401 in 2019 (3.1 percent increase) then by 9.8 percent from 82,401 in 2019 to 90,489 in 2020
18 districts had over 100% increases in GBV cases from 2019 to 2020.
Generally, the proportion of women who reported sexual violence was 36% at the national level. The most common acts of sexual abuse were physical force/coercion to have sexual intercourse (29%).
Reported levels of sexual violence by non-partners since the age of 15 years was 55%. In most cases only one perpetrator was mentioned, usually a family member (14%)

One in three girls below the age of 15 (33%) were forced into their first sex encounter.

Women who have ever experienced violence in the following regions: South Buganda, Busoga, Elgon, West Nile and Ankole were consistently more likely to report symptoms of ill health compared to those who had not experienced violence in the same region